
My sculptures. All available to purchase. Please contact for pricing


The Reaper, death, the last face you see at the end.

Leaning forward with hand outstretched waving a pleasant hello, Beckoning invites you in. While behind his back he hides his true intentions.

Mixed Media


What if a glitch could exist in the real world?

Distotion represents the division between the digital and the physical. How close are those two worlds and what happens as they blend more.

Distortion invites the viewer to contemplate how connected they truly are to the media they consume.

Mixed Media

The Warrior

The Warrior is hero from an unknown land. Seemingly different from us, but also incredibly similar. 

One of the leaders of his people, he spent his life fighting for what he believed in As a reward he was cannonized. He now lives in relative comfort in his older age, but longs for the thrill of the battlefield.

Mixed Media

Sir Reginald Ravenworth III

He's a very dapper fellow. Listen, not all art has to be that deep. Okay?

Mixed Media

The Spirit of the Forest

The embodiment of the spirit of the woods. A piece that represents the damage we cause to our environment.

The terror in the face of a gentle giant in it's final moments, after millenia of maintaining balance. The man made bullet hole in the forehead. 

Mixed Media

Next Patient Please!

Wouldn't you want to see this guy for a check up?

A piece that represents our fear of medicine and medical procedures. The embodiment of "What's the worst that could go wrong at the dentist/doctor?"

This. This is the worst thing that could go wrong.

Mixed Media

The Ticket Taker

All Aboard!!

The keeper of time, the punncher of tickets, the train master of hell. 

Mixed Media

Open Wide!

The head of a fallen demon. Lovingly struck from the body and placed on a plaque for your approval. 

Fun Fact: This was not made a a demogorgon, though people like to think it is. I'm just happy people like it enough to compare to something else they love!

Mixed Media


My largest piece to date.

On the one hand, a piece that shows the sheer joy of upcycling and recycling parts. Screaming about sustainability and reducing our waste as we repurpose it into beautiful new forms.

On the other hand, an amazing sculpture of a little robot dude who replaced his legs with something WAY outside of his means. 

Things can be two things

Mixed Media